Quantitative Adjectives | Easy Definition and Examples 2025

What are Quantitative Adjectives?

Quantitative Adjectives are used to describe a Noun and Pronoun with quantity (i.e., numbers). It is one of the types of Adjectives in English Grammar. It can be either in cardinal or ordinal numbers. 

Cardinal number is used to denote numbers in quantity such as one, two, three, etc. Whereas, an Ordinal number is used to indicate the number with positions such as first, second, third, etc.

Quantitative Adjective is also used for conveying the details and information about the object of a sentence in various categories.

A few examples of Quantitative Adjectives are more, much, first, one, small, few, some, any, whole, little, all, several, two, ten, twenty, seventh, etc.

Also Read: What is Adjective with examples? | Best English Guide 2025

The adjective is a type of word which describes or modifies the noun. It is also defined as, the word which describes the qualities and states of beings of nouns. It measures the qualities like size, shape, color, duration, behavior, quantity, and a lot more. Furthermore, it provides additional information on noun with the above-mentioned qualities like … (read more)

Quantitative Adjective Examples

Here are some Quantitative Adjective examples with explanations.

Note: Blue colored words are Quantitative Adjectives in the sentence and S = Subject, V = Verb, QA = Quantitative Adjective and O = Object.

  • Micheal is having two sports cars.

Sentence Structure: Micheal (S) + is having (V) + two (QA) + sports cars (O).

In the above sentence, the word “two” describes the number of cars Micheal has. So, the number describes the quantities of the cars he is having. Here, the word “sports cars” is the noun that is being described. Cardinal number is used here to denote the quantity.

  • Raju invested some money this month.

Sentence Structure: Raju (S) + invested (V) + some (QA) + money this month (O).

In the above sentence, the word “some” describes the amount of money saved for his investment. Here, “money” is the noun that is being described.

  • John failed first time in Mathematics.

Sentence Structure: John (S) + failed (V) + first (QA) + time in Mathematics (O).

In the above sentence, the word “first” describes the event that happened for the first time. Here, “time” is the noun that is being described. An ordinal number is used here to denote the quantity.

  • Tina couldn’t earn enough money from her job.

Sentence Structure: Tina (S) + couldn’t earn (V) + enough (QA) + money from her job (O).

In the above sentence, the word “enough” describes the amount of money. Here, “money” is the noun that is being described.

  • Can you buy me some cookies?

Sentence Structure: Can you (S) + buy (V) + me + some (QA) + cookies? (O)

In the above sentence, the word “some” describes the amount (quantity) of cookies. Here, the word “cookies” is the noun that is being described.

How to find Quantitative Adjective in the sentence?

Previously, we have learned that this type of Adjective is used to describe quantity. So, it is very easy to find out. Now let us consider the below example sentences.

  • Mary had two slices of bread this morning.

Step 1: First, identify the sentence structure such as Subject, Verb and Object.

Sentence Structure: Mary (S) + had (V) + two slices of bread this morning (O).

Step 2: Then, consider the object part of the sentence and ask “how much?” or, more appropriately, “how many?”, etc. in reference to a noun or pronoun.

Here is the question, “how many slices of bread?” – two is the Quantitative Adjective.

Different types of Quantitative Adjective

Quantitative Adjectives are classified into 3 different types. Those are,

  • Definite Numerical Adjectives
  • Indefinite Numerical Adjectives
  • Distributive Numerical Adjectives

Definite Numerical Adjectives

These adjectives are used to describe the quantities in exact numbers. Here, two different types of numbers such as cardinal or ordinal numbers are used.

Cardinal number Ordinal Numbers
One (1)First (1st)
Two (2)Second (2nd)
Three (3)Third (3rd)
Four (4)Fourth (4th)
Five (5)Fifth (5th)

So, from the above table, it is clear that we can use it to describe quantities in both types of numbers.

Example Sentences:

  • Shyam has lifted 50 kg of rice bag with ease.
  • She has been standing here for two hours.
  • Raju is having three online classes per day.
  • The athlete has won five gold medals in his entire life.
  • I am having 15 years experience of driving a car.
  • Henry wanted to buy the latest tenth edition luxury car.
  • He is earning $10,000 per month.
  • This was his third time winning this chess game.
  • A company has been ranked to fourth position in terms of earning revenue this year.
  • There are total seven wonders in the world.

Indefinite Numerical Adjectives

These adjectives don’t denote the exact numbers but show approximate assumptions. It is quite opposite of Definite Numerical Adjectives.

Example Sentences:

  • You need to read several books to crack the exam.
  • The team needs more practice to win the upcoming match.
  • Ram spent his whole salary to buy a new laptop.
  • Most of the people don’t have proper financial education.
  • She likes to visit her grandma’s house most of the time.
  • Every day, he spends some of his time in reading books.
  • She has many types of dresses in her wardrobe.
  • My mother made more sweets for this festival.
  • Ram forgot to buy some items from the groceries.
  • He makes more money from his small businesses than from his job.

Distributive Numerical Adjectives

Distributive Numerical Adjectives includes each, either, every, neither.

Example Sentences:

  • The teacher told every student to submit their assignments by today.
  • Either you study this or I will teach you.
  • Each of them shared their own experiences about their past life.
  • Neither of the two dresses fits me.
  • The manager behaves good with every employee.

Quiz Time!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the example of quantitative adjective?

A: Usain Bolt had won eight Olympic gold medals up to date. (Here, “eight” is the quantitative adjective)

Q: Is any a quantitative adjective?

A: Yes, the word “any” is a quantitative adjective.

Q: What is a quantity adjective?

A: The adjective which represents the noun or pronoun with the quantity is known as Quantity Adjective.

Q: Is several adjective of quantity?

A: Yes, the word “several” comes under Indefinite Numerical Adjectives. Therefore, it is a quantity adjective.

Q: Is a lot adjective of quantity?

A: A: Yes, the word “a lot” comes under Indefinite Numerical Adjectives. Therefore, it is a quantity adjective.

Summary: (Quantitative Adjectives)

Quantitative Adjectives - English Topper
Quantitative Adjectives
  • Quantitative Adjectives are one of the type of Adjectives, and it is used to describe the quantities of the things, events, etc. It is used to describe with numerical or with assumptions.
  • Some examples of Quantitative Adjectives are either, neither, some, few, whole, many, more, etc.
  • There are three types of Quantitative Adjectives. Those are Definite, Indefinite and Distributive Numerical Adjectives.
  • Definite shows the exact numbers for describing the quantities. Whereas, Indefinite doesn’t show exact but describes the approximate quantities.
  • Distributive is used for the different cases in which numerical are not used for indicating the quantities.

If you are interested to learn more, then you can refer to Wikipedia here.

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  1. Thank you very much for a great job. May God increase your knowledge, guide you and protect you.

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