What is an Abstract Noun? (with examples) | Best Guide 2025

What is an Abstract Noun?

What is an Abstract Noun: An Abstract Noun is a noun which refers to the names of non-physical (untouchable) things. In other words, the things that cannot be detected by our sense organs (ie, we cannot touch, smell, see, hear and taste).

So, always remember that you can only feel about it (cannot see it but it is present).

For example, consider “air” – in which we can only feel it. You cannot touch, taste, smell or see the air.

Abstract Nouns are usually quite opposite to the concept of “Concrete Nouns”.

More examples of Abstract Noun

To understand this concept well, let us consider some more examples of Abstract Noun (based on the categories).

Emotionshappy, sad, depressed, joy
Feelingsfear, jealousy, stress, anxiety
Eventsbirthday, marriage, birth, death
Othersair, luck, goal, growth, life

What is an Abstract Noun? (Conclusion)

What is an Abstract Noun? - English Topper
What is an Abstract Noun?
  • In simple terms, Abstract Noun is the name of things that cannot be touched, are not visible to our eyes, cannot hear and also can’t taste. Thus, we can only feel about it.
  • The best examples of Abstract Noun are emotions, events, qualities, talents, etc.

Also Read: Noun Definition and Examples | Best English Guide 2025

If you are interested in learning more, then you can refer to Wikipedia from here.

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